Luxury Hotels Limerick

Adare ManorAdare Manor DunravenDunraven Arms Hotel The Savoy
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Love her as in childhood Through feeble, old and grey. For you’ll never miss a mother’s love Till she’s buried beneath the clay – Frank McCourt, Angela’s Ashes.


While the tenement conditions of McCourt’s childhood, you can retrace some of his steps around the streets where he battled against the odds before eventually heading West where he finally found his fame and fortune. Souths pub still serves the finest of Guinness to its patrons.



Today, Limerick has some undiscovered jewels in the form of St Marys Cathedral dating back to medieval times with its leper post where blessings could be dispensed from a safe position to the unfortunates outside through the sixteenth century when Cromwell rested his soldiers and there horses in the grounds of the cathedral (sword marks still visible on the archway). St Johns castle maintains its strong watchful presence on the banks of the beautiful Shannon, where kayakers make great sport of the Curragower Falls. The new weir allows for boats to make their way along the length of the Shannon almost from its source right out to sea.



The Hunt Museum, overlooking that part of the river that sailing ships moored before paying their customs to the taxman for their cargoes from foreign lands.


Limerick nightlife provides a rich menu of musical choices from the newly refurbished Belltable to the annual Blas trad music festival at the University to Dolans and other live gig ven

ues – book early to avoid disappointment.


Inside the Walls of Limerick (which are still traceable even if some are underground) the newly renovated Milk Marketprovides a fitting venue for the best of organic and cultural delights presented on a regular basis.


Further afield lies Adare Manor and village, picturesque, quaint and home to some fine luxury hotels including 5 star luxury Adare Manor and the 4 star Dunraven Arms Hotel. While to the west of the city and across the Clare border lies Bunratty with its castle and folk park.

If you’re looking for a luxury hotel right in the city is the 5 star Savoy hotel will hit the spot